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EN 1303:2015 Management System Master Key (Presidential Lock Cylinder)

Elite Locks can provide customers with management systems (presidential lock cylinders) for hotel management, school management, hospitals, shopping malls, office buildings etc. The factory can combine European standard lock cylinders with American, French, Spanish and other special lock cylinders to make management system lock cylinders, welcome to consult!

Jiangsu Elite Lock Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Elite Lock Co.,Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of copper lock cylinders for EN 1303:2015 Management System Master Key (Presidential Lock Cylinder) . The factory has more than 20 years of production experience. The product has obtained the EU CE certification and passed the EN 1303:2015 test. At present, the products are mainly supplied to Yale Company and ASSA ABLOY Company.
The main products are more than 100 kinds of mortise door lock bodies of various specifications, dozens of special door locks, dozens of various lock cylinders, various stainless steel, aluminum alloy, and zinc alloy handles, which are widely used in wooden doors, Iron doors, stainless steel doors, aluminum alloy doors, and safety doors for various special purposes.
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How to ensure the security and confidentiality of the "Management System Master Key" to comply with the requirements of EN 1303:2015 on quality control and security?

Ensuring the security and confidentiality of the “Management System Master Key” to comply with the requirements of EN 1303:2015 on quality control and security is a crucial task.

1. Define the master key management policy
First, organizations should develop a clear and unambiguous policy for managing system master keys. The policy should detail specific requirements for the creation, use, storage, updating, backup, and destruction of master keys. Ensuring that all operations involving the master key follow this policy is the basis for ensuring its security and confidentiality.

2. Restrict access rights
Access to the master key should be strictly limited to the minimum necessary. Only authorized personnel can access and use the master key. Organizations should establish strict authentication and authorization mechanisms to ensure that only authenticated and legitimate users have access to master keys. At the same time, access rights should be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that there are no unnecessary access rights.

3. Encrypted storage
The master key should be stored using encryption technology to ensure that even if the data is stolen or leaked, it cannot be decrypted and used by unauthorized personnel. Organizations need to determine the key rotation period. This cycle should be determined based on the organization's business needs, security risk assessment, and compliance requirements. In general, shorter rotation periods provide greater security but also increase management complexity and cost. Therefore, a balance needs to be found between security and convenience. Once the rotation period is determined, organizations need to develop a detailed key rotation plan. This plan should include information such as which keys need to be rotated, the schedule for rotation, the steps for rotation, and the person responsible for performing the rotation. When the rotation period arrives, organizations need to perform key rotations according to a plan. This typically includes generating new keys, updating all relevant systems and applications to use the new keys, and destroying or securely storing old keys. Organizations need to regularly monitor and audit the key rotation process to ensure that all steps are performed according to plan and that there are no omissions or errors. This can be achieved through automated tools and manual inspections.

4. Regular auditing and monitoring
Organizations should regularly audit and monitor the use of master keys to ensure there is no unauthorized access or use. Auditing and monitoring should include checking master key access records, usage and system logs. Through regular auditing and monitoring, potential security risks can be discovered in time and corresponding measures can be taken to deal with them.

5. Key rotation and expiration strategy
To prevent misuse of keys if they are compromised, organizations should implement key rotation and expiration policies. Regularly replacing master keys reduces the risk of long-term key theft. At the same time, setting the expiration time of the key can ensure that after the key expires, even if it is stolen, it cannot continue to be used.

6. Training and awareness raising
Organizations should regularly provide employees with training on master key security and confidentiality to improve employees' security awareness and operational skills. Training should include the definition, role, security risks, and how to correctly use and keep master keys. Through training, you can ensure that employees fully understand the importance of master keys and consciously comply with relevant security regulations.

7. Establish emergency response mechanism
In order to prevent unexpected events such as loss or leakage of master keys, organizations should establish an emergency response mechanism. The emergency response mechanism should include the process of discovering problems, response measures, notification of relevant personnel, and follow-up processing. Through the emergency response mechanism, master key security issues can be quickly responded to and losses and risks reduced.

Ensuring the security and confidentiality of the Management System Master Key requires organizations to develop clear policies, restrict access, encrypt storage, regular audits and monitoring, implement key rotation and expiration policies, conduct training and awareness-raising, and establish emergency response mechanisms and other measures. Only by comprehensively applying these measures can the security and confidentiality of the master key be effectively guaranteed to comply with the quality control and security requirements of EN 1303:2015.